Happy Halloween
Did you know that Nevada became the 36th state on October 31, 1864, On Hallowe
Facts About Nevada
12 of the world’s largest hotels are in Las Vegas
Capital: Carson City Date of Statehood: October 31, 1864
Population: 2,770,551 (2010)
Size: 7th largest state, 110,572 square miles
87% is federal or tribal land
17 counties, 27 recognized tribes
Nickname(s): Battle-Born State; Sagebrush State; Silver State
Motto: All for Our Country
Tree: Single-Leaf PiƱon and Bristlecone Pine
Flower: Sagebrush
Bird: Mountain Bluebird
Temperatures: High:118F
Low: -50 F
Interesting Facts: Fourth most seismically active state in the U.S.
400,000 acres burn annually – Third highest in the U.S.
For more information on nevada history go here.
here is a link to check out.
Here are some Clouds photos
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