Hi and welcome
This will be My first blog post.
But what am I going to Write about? I thought about this and then it hit me, Why not about this book I found. Now that's a good story!
It's interesting what people will leave behind or throw a way, and this book was one of those things.
I like to snoop around check old houses or junk piles out. Hear in Nevada there are lot of places like that,old mines, ghost towns, and old houses and buildings. Golconda Nevada is a old mining town. 15 miles east of Winnemucca on highway 80. I had a place by near their at the time,That is where I found the book.
Nevada is a big state, Lot's of open space hear. Northern Nevada where Winnemucca and Golconda is, has big valleys surround by mountains. it is hot and Dir in summer, and cold in winter. We get snow hear in winter, not a lot maybe a 6" to a foot or SO. Winter nights the here are very cold, When the sun goes down here the temperature drops fast.
One fine winter day, I had nothing better to do, so I want out to a house about a mile from my place, that was lift abandon. I knew the people that lived there, they had just left the place abandon, It was a nice place to live, 6 acres in size. I don't why they left, but they did. Leaving a lot of thing behind, and a lot of junk too. Then there were the strange roomers about them.
I arrived at the house and then, started looking around to see what I cloud find of interest.
After spending most of the day hunting around the house I found all kinds of neat thing, and the book. It was getting dark colder, it was time to leave. So I got in my truck and tried to start it. I turned the key and nothing happen.
Well now what! By this time it was getting darker and colder and the darn truck will not start! and I live a mile away from hear. I got my flash light out and opened the hood up, and found that battery cable was broke. I had no way to fix it, but I had a new one back at my place. Of course livening out hear miles form nowhere, and My cell phone was at home. All I coud do is walk back to my place and get the part for the truck.
So I started to walk back to My place. In the cold and in the dark, About the time I got half way home. my flash light batteries started to die. No moon, No light. It can get Vere dark out here in Nevada at night .
I did make it home, Then I had some hot food and some nice hot coffee with some whisky in it, and got warm . Then got the part for the truck and put new batteries in my flash light and walked back to my truck. I got there and put the new part in, and started up my truck a drove back home
The next day I started to look over the stuff that I found.
As it turned out, The best thing I found was The book!
So What is this book about?
By Franh G. Mienke
With cartoons by Willard Mullin photographic stories selected and edited
by Victor Yacktman
copyright 1953 by A. S. Barnes and Company, Ink.
Here some photos of what in the book
So now the story of the Book
But what am I going to Write about? I thought about this and then it hit me, Why not about this book I found. Now that's a good story!
It's interesting what people will leave behind or throw a way, and this book was one of those things.
I like to snoop around check old houses or junk piles out. Hear in Nevada there are lot of places like that,old mines, ghost towns, and old houses and buildings. Golconda Nevada is a old mining town. 15 miles east of Winnemucca on highway 80. I had a place by near their at the time,That is where I found the book.
Nevada is a big state, Lot's of open space hear. Northern Nevada where Winnemucca and Golconda is, has big valleys surround by mountains. it is hot and Dir in summer, and cold in winter. We get snow hear in winter, not a lot maybe a 6" to a foot or SO. Winter nights the here are very cold, When the sun goes down here the temperature drops fast.
One fine winter day, I had nothing better to do, so I want out to a house about a mile from my place, that was lift abandon. I knew the people that lived there, they had just left the place abandon, It was a nice place to live, 6 acres in size. I don't why they left, but they did. Leaving a lot of thing behind, and a lot of junk too. Then there were the strange roomers about them.
I arrived at the house and then, started looking around to see what I cloud find of interest.
After spending most of the day hunting around the house I found all kinds of neat thing, and the book. It was getting dark colder, it was time to leave. So I got in my truck and tried to start it. I turned the key and nothing happen.
Well now what! By this time it was getting darker and colder and the darn truck will not start! and I live a mile away from hear. I got my flash light out and opened the hood up, and found that battery cable was broke. I had no way to fix it, but I had a new one back at my place. Of course livening out hear miles form nowhere, and My cell phone was at home. All I coud do is walk back to my place and get the part for the truck.
So I started to walk back to My place. In the cold and in the dark, About the time I got half way home. my flash light batteries started to die. No moon, No light. It can get Vere dark out here in Nevada at night .
I did make it home, Then I had some hot food and some nice hot coffee with some whisky in it, and got warm . Then got the part for the truck and put new batteries in my flash light and walked back to my truck. I got there and put the new part in, and started up my truck a drove back home
The next day I started to look over the stuff that I found.
As it turned out, The best thing I found was The book!
So What is this book about?
By Franh G. Mienke
With cartoons by Willard Mullin photographic stories selected and edited
by Victor Yacktman
copyright 1953 by A. S. Barnes and Company, Ink.
Here some photos of what in the book
So now the story of the Book